[View Recording] Seal of Civic Readiness in New York
Join this webinar to learn about the Seal of Civic Readiness and learn how schools and districts across NY are bringing new civic learning to students.
[View Recording] Implementing MyCAP in Massachusetts
Join this conversation with Dearborn Academy teachers and leaders who will break down how they launch the MyCAP process for diverse learners.
[View Recording] Inquiry-Based Social Studies and Civics in MA
Interested to learn about the new Investigating History Curriculum and about MA Civics Project Guidebook? Learn about the exciting shifts in Social Studies in Massachusetts.
[View Recording] Building Civic Projects with Design Thinking
Join this webinar to learn how educators are leveraging Local Civics' Design Thinking Framework for building and enriching civic projects with middle and high school students.
[View Recording] Project-Based Learning with the Seal of Civic Readiness in New York
Join this conversation with Assistant Principal Jeremy Kaplan from NYCDOE High School for Health Professions and Human Services. Learn about piloting, implementing, and scaling the Seal of Civic Readiness in your school district.
[View Recording] Seal of Civic Readiness Webinar
In this conversation, we broke down how educators like you can design plans to pilot, implement and scale innovative civic learning opportunities aligned with the Seal of Civic Readiness.